Suddenly, our priorities change. The nuances that we focused on just a month ago have been overshadowed by a giant finger hitting the pause button of life. For the time being, Lease Intelligence will focus on the overarching issues affecting real estate, maybe yours, maybe your clients’…
Let’s put this sudden impact into perspective. We were all suddenly shoved into recession conditions in the market by an outside, non-economic force. The fact is that just before the lights went out the real estate markets – commercial and residential – were healthy. Lenders were lending sensibly. While valuations had gotten a little overheated in some property
types – particularly multi-family – most were tracking real metrics of supply and demand. There are no fundamental reasons that real estate is in trouble.
As I shift to weekly installments of Lease Intelligence, I will be addressing these and other topics:
- Rent: to pay or not to pay
- Renegotiating commercial rent
- Is this an opportune time to expand or move?
- Downsizing your premises
- Growing vacancies will not hit all properties equally
- Where are the investment opportunities?
If you have any commercial real estate issues or concerns, feel free to call me and pick the brains of someone with 40 years in the industry. This is a confusing time…I’m happy to help.