Some critical Lease Intelligence you can never overlook,

Published: Tue, 06/10/14

"Location, Location, Location" Update
Lease Intelligence

Honestly, nothing has changed.  Location continues to be the most critical decision a business can make with respect to their physical presence.  But it pertains to much more than the long-term value of the real estate.  It also could have a major impact on the long term value of your business.

Anyone who has looked for a new location for office, warehouse, or retail space knows, rental rates are tied to geography.  Warehouse space is more costly in Pasadena than it is in Pacoima.  And the reasons are obvious: the quality of nearby lifestyle amenities, neighborhood safety, and most importantly when it comes to Los Angeles, how long it takes to get to and from work for employees.

Here are some tests of the viability of a location for your business:

·        >  Make a map of where everyone on the company lives.  Highlight the location of your most valuable employees (and it might be a good idea to keep that confidential).  Losing just one of those employees might be too high a price to pay for moving to a new location that has lower rent.  And expect to lose 20% of all non-critical employees that will have to travel more than 5 miles further than their current commute.

·        >  If you were your company's most valuable client, how would you feel driving up to the new location?  Would your impression be that the company was moving up in the world...or downgrading?

·        >  How will your female employees feel about leaving work and walking to their cars after dark?

·        >  Investigate the city you are considering moving to.  Are there city taxes or licensing fees that you were not aware of?  Who provides electricity and what are their rates?

Do your due diligence.  Or get a good broker on board who will. 

Do you have your own lease challenges that you would like to discuss?  Feel free to call me directly or send me an email.

Aaron Weiner, CCIM, CPM, LEED AP | | Direct: (310) 445-4303